CO2 laser is considered one of the most effective modalities for skin resurfacing and rejuvenation. The newer lasers work in a fractional ablative manner, which means that multiple microscopic columns of skin are treated while the skin surrounding these columns is spared. This leads to faster healing after the procedure with a very low risk for side effects.

It is possible to treat both the superficial and deep wrinkles and also to treat tissue sagging as full facial treatment will lead to some lifting of the face. Areas that are difficult to treat with other modalities can be treated by a CO2 laser e.g. periorbital and perioral wrinkles, cheek wrinkles the neck and more.
It’s possible to treat the face the neck and the décolleté at the same time. Scars, pigmented lesions and premalignant lesions e.g. solar keratosis can be treated as well.
After the treatment there is a downtime of 5 days with redness swelling and peeling of crusts. After which the remarkable results of the treatment can be seen with gradual improvement for half a year after the treatment. Results are longterm and stay for years after the treatment.